Monday, November 14, 2011

What's the difference between earl grey and english breakfast tea?

The heck if they don't taste the same to me. Also, are there any differences in health benefits/nutritional content?|||The nutritional profile's the same. Both are tea blends, meaning they're put together from different tea crops to taste the same year-in, year-out. Compare Single-Estate Teas, which vary in flavor by year and location, like wine. Most of these tea used in these blends come from India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

The main difference is that Earl Grey is scented with bergamot oil. Bergamot's a citrus fruit halfway between a grapefruit and a lemon, so the Earl's fine tea has a fruity flair.

Meanwhile unscented English Breakfast is a stouter, hardier tea. Puts hair on your chest. Ladies, beware!|||I believe that Earl Grey tea is "lightly enhanced or perfumed" with the essence they call "Bergamot" (ber-gam-oh). English breakfast tea is relatively plain but full bodied.|||Earl Grey is gross, and English Breakfast is delicious.

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